We Want To Inform, Educate And Entertain Members In Our Industry
Welcome! For those who don't know us, we're probably the largest provider of fabrics, custom sewn creations and production supplies to theater, event, house of worship and education organizations. As such, we have a vast storehouse of knowledge about our industry that we'd love to share. We thought a blog would be the perfect vehicle for that purpose. The objectives of our blog are to inform, educate and entertain those who are members, or followers, of our industry. We'll be posting "how to" information, design & production tips, amusing project stories and news items.
We invite you to comment on our postings and hope that we can all engage in lively discussion that will serve the objectives described above. If you'd like to post a comment to the blog, all we'll need is your username, email address and, of course, your comment. Please note that comments will be moderated and most likely appear within 24 hours of submission. It's our intent that our blog becomes both a go-to resource for production insight and a virtual gathering place for our industry. We invite you to subscribe to our RSS feed and come back often so that you can:
- and ENJOY!
Sincerely, George Jacobstein, President www.RoseBrand.com
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